April Fools? Not Any More

April Fools? Not Any More

The fourth month of the Gregorian calendar is one of the most interesting months both in personal and social aspects. I am not taking into consideration the 1st of April, April Fools’ Day, which elates pranksters, puns, and jokes enthusiasts while it annoys much of the larger demographics. I’m rather looking deeply into the start of the second quarter of the year, two great global religious seasons, and the lessons we drive from them.

It is not only, arguably, the second biggest and most important holiday to December but also shares interesting parallelism where it ends with people sitting to evaluate New Year’s resolutions progress shortly after the New Year excitement has fallen into a beckoning dusk. We can remind ourselves again that the year is aging and might have strayed from our New Year resolutions, it is time to refocus, buckle up, and keep our eyes fixed on the horizon.

Besides that, April hosts two important seasons courtesy of Muslim and Christian communities, the Easter and Ramadhan. For Christians, Easter is the season to reflect on the passion, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ. It is characterized by fasting, prayers, and charity. It also ends with celebrations, family reunions, and restful holidays. Similarly, in the Muslim community, the Ramadhan season is marked by a commitment to prayer, fasting, reflection, and community. As common humanity, regardless of religious inclination, we are challenged in this month to reflect individually and socially putting into consideration discipline and sacrifice as paramount engines to success.

As a student, a young person, and a human being we are all bound to be distracted and lose focus to the noise of every day’s hullabaloo. Talk of economic struggles, academic workload, family issues, relationships, fatigue, and the ever-insatiable human wants. This is the month and season we should reflect, refocus, bring to rest burdens we can’t carry, create support systems, and most importantly build our spiritual, mental, and psychological frames.

It’s time for rebirth, resurrection, and rejuvenation. As students, let’s remember the main reason we joined college and stick to that cause defying every distraction on the way. Let’s also remind our friends and families that intake is ongoing in one of the fastest-growing beauty colleges in Kenya.

 Happy holidays folks!

April 12, 2024

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